10 AMAZING ways to start improving your life & be happy

Melania Laurent
2 min readMay 2, 2022


  1. Stop living in AUTOPILOT. Take time to reconnect with yourself, know who you really are, where you are in life, what mistakes you make everyday, where you want to be, what needs to change, and what you can do to get there even if it means building new habits.
  2. STOP comparing yourself with others. Everyone is fighting their own battles, everyone has their own story to tell and so do you.
  3. Make an intentional effort to do something you love (something that gives you a burst of energy) everyday. This could be any activity, like yoga, listening to music, walking to the beach, dancing etc. We are so caught up in the hustle of life forgetting to live our best lives everyday.
  4. If you are sedentary, start moving your body, (EXERCISE) take a walk, run, or do stretches anything that works for you (Here is the WHO guidelines on physical activity https://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/handle/10665/337001/9789240014886-eng.pdf)
  5. Make your HEALTH a number one priority, eat FRUITS & VEGETABLES, stay HYDRATED. Remember HEALTH IS WEALTH.
  6. Establish boundaries when you need to. CUT off people who only give you negative energy that keeps weighing you down.
  7. Practice GRATITUDE & stay positive about what life has got to offer you
  8. Try a new thing at least every month.
  9. Protect your PEACE, learn not to fall victim to bitterness, hate or other negative emotions. (don’t let other people or circumstances determine your MOOD)
  10. Have a morning routine. According to evidence, morning routines have been shown to lower stress levels, improve self confidence, increase productivity and boost your energy levels.



Melania Laurent

M.D, Public Health, Lifestyle medicine (healthy living enthusiast). I believe in daily incremental progress, everyday is a new opportunity for a fresh start.